Flor Del Caribe Antigua Maduro Cigars (6 3/4 X 48) – Box of 25
The Flor Del Caribe cigar brand has made a name for itself over the past years by producing premium cigars. Most cigar enthusiasts around the world have come across these cigar varieties, heaping praises to them. They originate from Honduras, a leading tobacco producer in the world. In addition, the cigar quality has seen the cigars grow in popularity.
Among the Flor Del Caribe cigar varieties are the Antigua Maduro. This premium medium-strength cigar perfectly combines elegance, class, and quality to give smokers a five-star smoking experience. Made from the best Honduran tobacco, these cigars can blend perfectly into any occasion and brighten up the mood instantly.
Like their counterparts, the Antigua Maduro cigars are hand-rolled, and if you are a cigar smoker, you know what that means. Hand-rolled cigars are constructed with high efficiency and experience, making it easy to draw smoke from the cigar and enjoy the experience. The fillers and binders are also perfectly spaced to create air spaces in-between, allowing for a further smooth draw of smoke.
Being handcrafted, the cigar is neither too tight nor too loose. This allows for an obstruction-free smoking spree, making it a perfect option for people who are just getting started on the act of cigar smoking.
The Antigua Maduro creation is rolled nicely and wrapped with a Connecticut wrapper. Additionally, the unique flavors are evenly distributed in the cigar, and that is why you can feel the notes and scents naturally with every puff you take.
These cigars are stored in a vintage box that allows them to be stored for longer. Every box has twenty-five premium cigars. Each cigar has a length of 6 ¾ and a ring gauge of 48.
- Country of origin: Honduras
- Wrapper: Connecticut
- Binder: Honduras
- Filler: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
- Strength: Mild medium
- Length:6 ¾
- Ring gauge: 48