Genuine Counterfeit Cuban Torpedo Cigars (6 X 54) – Box of 25
The art of cigar smoking has been practiced as a gentlemanly act of class. Many people around the world buy cigars to let off the day’s pressures and compliment their style. However, it reached a point where many cigar enthusiasts would acquire fake Cuban cigars without their knowledge. For this reason, the Genuine Counterfeit Cuban cigar brand was invented. Hailing from Esteli, Nicaragua, these premium cigars are made with high quality and prowess as a ‘genuine” counterfeit option.
One of their numerous brand varieties is the Cuban Torpedo cigar. These cigars are flawlessly constructed: they imitate the stunning old-world shape. They are made to look like and taste like the forbidden cigars that were being produced in Miami, Florida. However, they are fashioned and constructed under better conditions and using high-quality tobacco.
To top it off, these cigars are wrapped using the attractive clay red Ecuadorian wrapper. This is perfectly blended with matured fillers sourced from Nicaragua and Honduras. The end result is a perfectly squared cigar that is fit to grace any moment due to its appearance and quality.
Better still, the Cuban Torpedo cigars are spiced up with an array of flavors that add to their quality and improve the smoking experience. Once you light it up, the medium to full-bodied cigar releases delicious notes of earth, pepper, coffee, leather, and other spicy additions. This makes the cigar a perfect smoke with unmatched quality.
Cigar enthusiasts around the world enjoy these affordable premium cigars. One thing about it is that you are guaranteed to enjoy the smoke from the moment you light it up until you put it off. With a length of 6 inches and a ring gauge of 54, this cigar is worth every penny you pay for it.
- Country of origin: Nicaragua
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Ecuador
- Filler: Honduras, Nicaragua
- Strength: Medium to Full
- Shape: Torpedo
- Length: 6
- Ring size: 54