Cigar smoking is mainly associated with the gentleman’s act of class and style. It complements the appearance and stature of a man. For this reason, many cigar brands put effort into producing cigars that define this. One of these brands is the Gispert. These cigars are high-quality premium constructions that have a smooth and savory taste that distinguishes their cigar varieties from the others.
One of their varieties is the Churchill Natural Cigars. These premium productions are elegant and perfect for smoking, whether alone or with your family and friends. Additionally, these cigars have a smooth smoke draw, fit to be smoked both by a pro and a newbie.
The Churchill Natural cigars are medium-bodied. With its smooth and distinct taste, the cigar is made using the best harvest of Honduran tobacco, cultivated with care, and aged perfectly after harvesting until it is mature enough to produce the best cigar. The Churchill natural cigars are hand-rolled. The rollers have received ample training and work under constant supervision to ensure that the cigars produce of constantly high quality. With its rich history, you should expect nothing but the best from this brand.
The cigar is characterized by a silky wrapper that is also made from high-quality tobacco. The flavors are evenly spread in the cigar, meaning that you can enjoy all the flavors when you light the cigar until you draw the last puff from it. In fact, you will be left with an aftertaste after you finish smoking it. These cigars are made in a place called Altadis in Honduras. It is the perfect mixture of the Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Nicaraguan Binder, and Nicaraguan filler. Sold in a box of twenty-five cigars, every cigar has a length of 7 and a ring gauge of 54.
- Country of Origin: Honduras
- Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
- Binder: Honduras, Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras
- Strength: Medium to full
- Length: 7
- Ring size: 54