The brand Excalibur is well-known for its quality and durability in the cigar industry. Excalibur cigars, Hoyo de Monterrey’s original cigar brand, are a true classic. The Excalibur is finely aged tobacco that emanates flavors available only in expertly aged tobacco.
The bursting flavored Honduran cigars from Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur Banquets Cigars are well-known. It’s made up of Dominican filler, Honduran, and Nicaraguan tobaccos, seasoned with a Connecticut binder and wrapped in a magnificent Ecuadorian wrapper.
Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur Banquets Cigars are lively cigars with a lot of appeal; it’s encrusted smolders with a firm finish. Cigar enthusiasts applaud Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur Banquets Cigars for their laid-back appeal, flavorful confinement, and even burn.
Excalibur Banquets Cigars by Hoyo de Monterrey is made with a high-value blend of totally old elongated fillers from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Excalibur cigars are moderate-bodied, smooth-tasting cigars handcrafted in Honduras with a fantastic draw and a low price point.
Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur Banquets Cigars are covered smoke with a creamy finish. Cigar lovers adore Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur Banquets Cigars for their smooth draw, flavor, and burn. The lightest and smoothest cigar emblem with cigarettes, Hoyo De Monterrey Excalibur Banquets Cigars, was well-thought-out. It’s a small cigar with no distinguishing qualities that haven’t already been mentioned. Thus, its flavor profile is classic Hoyo. The cigar’s aroma is powerful, quiet, and pleasant. Add a few of these cigars to your collection, but don’t forget to get some extras for your buddies.
- Country of Production: Honduras.
- Wrapper: Ecuadoran Sumatra.
- Binder: Connecticut Broadleaf.
- Count: 10 Cigars
- Packaging Box Shape: Regular
- Strength: Medium-full Bodied Natural Wrapper
- Origin: Honduras
- Factory Name: Honduras American Tobacco, Honduras.
- Filler: Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan.