Hoyo de Monterrey Rothschild Cello MM Cigars is a blend of high-quality tobacco. It is famously solid and rich in taste and a mixture of the combination. The wrapper of tobacco, accessible in inadequate quantities, can be cultivated in the land of Honduras and keeps the traditional smooth Excalibur taste but adds a more robust flavor to the Cigar. Its tobacco gets from Honduras and the filler from the different countries in the product result they can create an earthy taste with more robust smoke. It is mainly designed for the individual who likes the Cuban smoke style.
Hoyo de Monterrey Rothschild Cello MM Cigars are well-known pliable cigars that are attracting outstanding burning belongings. It has a great fragrance & flavor, not an extra bright blend of tobacco. It comprises a thick &rich wrapper it has appealing & eye-catchy, its flavors are complex taste & flavor. Ecuadorian Sumatra cigars wrappers are a particular darker color.
It has a full-body profile, and its delight golden brown color is dressed skillfully with the Board leaf Connecticut, and wrapping can be done wrapper from Ecuador. Its Cigar is an earthy palate, lighter color, and attractive price with a Connecticut Shade cover. Cigar fanatics commend them for their relaxed attraction, smooth containment flavor & burn.
The burning quality of The Hoya de Monterrey Rothschild Cello MM Cigars is good Hoyo de Monterrey Rothschild Cello MM Cigars create the excellent ash after-burn. It gives a beautiful taste and provides more harshness to the nose than the smokers and created more appeal to this unique type of Cigar.
Bullet Point
- COUNTRY OF CONSTRUCTION: Ecuadorian, Honduras, and Nicaraguan
- LENGTH: 4 1/2
- WRAPPER: Connecticut Broadleaf &Ecuador Sumatra
- BINDER: Ecuadorian