Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans MM Cigars (7 1/4 x 52) – Box of 25
Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans MM Cigar has an inspiring blend of fully-aged long-fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic make a fascinating cigar. These Sultans MM cigars are specially for Cuban lovers as Cuban seeds play a significant role in making these cigars. These are grown in Honduran with a unique and traditional Habana style.
Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans MM Cigars are well-known flexible cigars with remarkable burning qualities. It has a pleasant aroma and flavor, although it is not a particularly bright tobacco blend. It has a thick and rich wrapper that is appealing and eye-catching, and its flavors are complex in taste and flavor. The wrappers of Ecuadorian Sumatra cigars are a deeper color.
It has a full-body profile, and its delightful golden brown color is well adorned with the Connecticut Board leaf, and wrapping can be done with Ecuadorian wrapper. The Cigar has an earthy flavor profile, a lighter hue, and a reasonable price, thanks to the Connecticut Shade cover.
Hoyo de Monterrey Sultans MM Cigar is a darkish, full-bodied cigar that’s perfect for individuals who want a rich, sumptuous smoke. The darkest Ecuador Sumatra leaf wrapper is utilized to improve the Sultans MM Cigar’s exceptionally excellent taste and pleasure.
The blend of Sultan MM cigar combines tobaccos from five different nations, resulting in a full-bodied, earthy smoking. This Sultan MM cigar is for those who enjoy a stronger, Cuban-style smoke.
Bullet Point
- Country of Production: Honduras.
- Wrapper: Ecuadoran Sumatra.
- Binder: Connecticut Broadleaf.
- Count: 25 Cigars
- Packaging Box Shape: Regular
- Diameter: 7 1/4 Inches and 52 Rings
- Strength: Medium-full Bodied Natural Wrapper
- Origin: Honduras
- Factory Name: Honduras American Tobacco, Honduras.
- Filler: Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan.