When you are looking for a cigar, you need to ensure that you are getting quality to feel comfortable sharing a puff with your associates or loved ones. The Kentucky Cheroots cigar has been blended from a delicate blend of dark‐fired tobacco. The tobacco has been grown locally in Kentucky and then then it has been fermented in Pennsylvania to create the perfect blend of cigars that you can think of.
This cigar is hand‐rolled to ensure that you get perfect pressure that you will enjoy for a long time because it will burn slowly. You can comfortably take a sip of your whiskey, bourbon, or coffee when you are enjoying a smoke. You can therefore enjoy the whole experience that you deserve when you are smoking your favorite cigar with your friends and even alone.
With the smooth taste that you will get when you are smoking this cigar, you will want to do it again and again. It burns uniformly so that you can easily cut it, store it and smoke it whenever you feel like and it proffers a bitter taste that might take a bit of time to get used to. Once you get used to the taste, you will find it irresistible, and therefore it is the perfect cigar for people that do not have a sweet tooth.
There are several size varieties of this cigar, and the length of each cigar is 5.5 inches and comes with a ring size of 32. You will feel a peppery taste and roasted sensory taste that makes it have a robust and intense flavor that you will enjoy from the first puff to the last. It has been made perfect for smoking while you enjoy your favorite drink, and you will also appreciate that the taste will remain the same even after you store it for a while.