A superior cigar for highly experienced smokers, the La Flor Dominicana Mysterio Maduro is indeed the best-kept secret in the cigarette industry. With its unique wood and dark leaves’ flavor, only one drag from this cigar will take you to a flavourful ride. Made in the Dominican Republic, these cigars are widely chosen by the people looking for a more eloquent and exquisite smoking experience. Here are some reasons why La Flor Dominicana Mysterio Maduro is the most premium cigar you will ever come across:
- Handcrafted and well-rolled: Flavour, aroma, and texture come second when we list the qualities of a good cigar. What comes first is how finely the cigar has been rolled. These well-crafted cigars are made of full leaves, are homogenous and smooth to ensure the best burning experience.
- Best burn: The burn quality strongly determines the experience you will have with these cigars. La Flor Dominicana Mysterio Maduro burns for an extended period of time, and the aroma lingers for a longer time.
- The appeal: Few people will appreciate these cigars for what it truly offers, i.e., an intriguing look. The Cuban-seed wrapper is a pure blend of Nicaraguan Sungrown and Connecticut Broadleaf, making these cigars very unique and flavorful.
One box of La Flor Dominicana Mysterio Maduro offers 5 perfecto cigars having a length of 7.00 and a ring gauge of 54. You can taste luxury and extravagance with these intricate cigars.