Panter Tango Cigars
European cigars mixed with Brazilian fillers are a signature of Panter Tango Cigars. These cigars are economical in value and stand on par with several world-class brands as an excellent selection among avid smokers. Panter Tango Cigars offer mellow taste, intense flavor, and smooth drag.
Each cigar is 100% natural without any artificial fillers or chemical contents. These are hand-crafted for the authentic appeal. For those who like the handmade cigars, these offer a vibrant English twist to the traditional cigars with a robust taste and alluring fragrance.
Smooth Texture
The cigars burn evenly and have fantastic ash holding capabilities. These are mixed with the tremendous selection of tobacco to bring you a smooth texture. You can enjoy the buttery drags without hurting your throat or lungs. The tense smoke with creamy appeal dissolves in the lungs.
Rich Flavor
Carefully selected tobacco is curated in a blend that has Brazillian fillers and European tobacco. Fermented for at least three years with perfect oil content in the wrapper, the cigars offer a delicious flavor.
The box of twenty cigars comes brilliantly-packed in a tin case with a luster appeal. These do not require you to humidify in any manner, and you can simply pull them and smoke anytime you like.