A Parejo shaped cigar collection with a mild taste and a classic Cuban Lonsdale appeal. The high-quality tobacco of Honduras and the Dominican Republic further augments its authenticity. It is certainly a titan amongst other cigars.
- Authentic
The cigars are wrapped in homogenized tobacco leaf and binder for unmatched taste. Thus, it gives you a satisfying taste with a natural shade of wrapper, no added texture, or color. Affordable with easy to smoke design, it is certainly a choice for classic lovers.
- Taste Profile
Each cigar offers mellow strength with Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed Filter. It has an appealing taste with perfect mildness. Despite the robust appearance, it is smooth to drag without any extra burn or sourness of the smoke.
- Great Blend
The richness of Honduras and the Dominican Republic offers a qualitative smoke that isn’t too robust, nor too light. If you are a balanced smoke lover, this is a perfect medium to smoke. Each drag delivers a memorable smoking indulgence.
Each packet comes with five premium-grade cigars waiting for a classic lover with impeccable taste. Additionally, it is highly affordable and economical.
Phillies Titan Cigars are manufactured in Puerto Rico using good quality filler tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Honduras.
It’s a high quality machine made cigar, garnering consistent positive reviews.
The Phillies Titan cigar is very popular with a mild taste and wide variety of shapes and flavors – Phillies Titan Cigars come in a five pack.
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