Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic Natural Cigars feature a Cameroon leaf wrapper.
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic Natural Cigars (7 x 48) – Box of 25
Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente Cigars
Without a doubt, cigars add an undeniable appeal and sense of class to the image of a proficient gentleman. Nothing beats the feeling of style that comes with smoking a cigar, be it when chatting with a friend, celebrating an achievement, or just for relaxation purposes. Whatever it is, choosing the right cigar for you goes a long way in heightening the smoking experience.
Founded by Arturo Fuente back in 1912, Arturo Fuente premium cigars are a brand that every cigar enthusiast should try. The cigars have been highly rated for quite some time, maintaining a constant appearance in the best cigars’ list in the world time. The cigars boast various strength profiles, mind-blowing flavors, and one of the best quality tobacco that the Dominican Republic can offer.
Hand-rolled or Machine Rolled
Since its humble beginnings, the Arturo Fuente premium cigar brand has produced high-quality handmade cigars, rolled and made to perfection. Their quality and appearance have played a significant part in the brand becoming a cult favorite among cigar smokers. The fact that the tobacco is expertly grown on the family farm means that you will just be smoking 100% pure tobacco.
Every Arturo Fuente cigar contains high-quality Dominican tobacco wrapped expertly by a toothy Cameroon wrapper. This delivers an enhanced sweetness, imparting bits of spicy flavor band aroma. The end product is a combination of the finest wrapper, fillers, and binder.
Size Varieties
Arturo Fuente premium cigars come in different sizes, namely
Arturo Fuente Belicoso
These measure 5.1 inches with a ring gauge of 43
Arturo Fuente Corona
Every Corona me Double measures 5.5 inches and has a ring gauge of 44.
Arturo Fuente Double Robusto
They have 5.5-inch length and a ring gauge of 52
Bottom Line
Even though Arturo Fuente cigars come in different sizes and shapes, one thing remains constant; quality. They are also quite affordable and worth a try.