Michael Herklots Nat Shermans Cigar Company’s Executive Director of Retail and Brand Development shares his thoughts on the best way to light a cigar.
One of the biggest mistakes for lighting a cigar is using a Zippo lighter. Most screw-ups are centered on mangling the head, messing up the cut, but lighting up one of Nat Sherman’s cigars with a Zippo lighter is catastrophic. Not all butane fuel will taint the taste of your cigar, but some of the low-grade odorous fuels will and it’s here that you want to avoid using them, as it will surely affect the taste of the cigar.
Also do not use any candles to light your premium cigars, as this foreign substance is undesirable. Most notably are the vanilla candles, as it will surely compromise the taste of your cigar, or tobacco blend. The best way to light a cigar is the old-fashioned way, by using a phosphorous match. This will do the job very well, along with clean butane lighters with refined butane fuel.
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Content Writer – Windy City Cigars