As you might have guessed by its name, the Super Value Ultra-Lite pipe tobacco is an extremely mild form of rich Burley and Cavendish blends. This pipe is reasonably priced and is a quality pick from Super value. The annexed flavors taste sweet, and the aroma is quite pleasant as well.
There are various taste notes in this blend. It has a flavor note of vanilla, a flavor that gives off a pleasing, well-rounded aroma. This tobacco pipe has a tinge of cinnamon and sweetgrass to it that compels it to have a rich and flavorful blend of various natural-like flavors.
Mild Strength
This pipe is exclusively known for its ultra-mild strength. This makes it perfectly suitable for occasional smokers or beginners. It has the same flavors as other super value pipe tobacco; however, you won’t get an adequate amount of smoke and the taste you desire if you are a regular smoker.
Aromatic And Easy Smoke
This blend has a very satisfying aroma and burns easily. The smoke is relatively lighter than other pipe tobacco.
The room note emitted from this pipe is pleasant and is preferred by many. It is an excellent and smooth choice of all times; perfect for routine smokes!