For a stroke of strawberry delight in your cigar’s smoking essence, here are Swisher Sweets cigars. These premium-grade cigars deliver unmatched taste at mild strength. Perfect for anyone who wants to take a break from regular flavors.
Premium Flavors
Without additives, chemical agents, and other alterations, Swisher Sweets bring you natural cigar and tobacco. The strawberry hints leave an aftertaste on the lips for your pleasure. These flavors offer a perfect blend with the crispy smoke.
Smooth Drags
Each drag of Swisher Sweets Cigars has a soft drag and mellow strength. The creamy smoke will melt in your lungs to offer a soothing indulgence. What makes these drag better is the uniform burn with extravagant fragrance.
Mild After Taste
The after taste that lingers does not overwhelm your sense of taste. Your breath smells fine, and it is only the lips with the sweet notes. Each smoking activity will fulfill your room with an aroma of strawberries instead of a robust and pungent smell of smoke. Thus, making them a great way to elevate your mood.
Each box contains 60, well-rolled and fine-constructed cigars. You can enjoy them without humidifiers, and they don’t require any extra effort.