Hand-made in the Dominican Republic and first introduced in the United States in the 1990s, Gurkha cigars have steadily gained popularity as a boutique brand appealing to both the exquisite taste that knows no bounds to the venerable aficionado who enjoys a wide range of experiences. Gurkha has a rich history as the “Rolls Royce” of cigars and is a badge of high class and discernment. Now, Gurkha may be enjoyed at a range of price points from discerning to ultra-high-end.
In the world of hand-rolled cigars, the name Gurkha stands out as a high-end specialty maker. The brand is well-known for its premium products and beautiful, artfully-designed packaging. More importantly, Gurkha is the maker of the most expensive cigar in the world, the His Majesty’s Reserve, a limited-production, a vintage cognac-infused cigar that sells for around $15,000 per box. However, anyone can enjoy the Gurkha cigar experience, as their products range widely in price.
The modern Gurkha cigar was reborn in 1989 when company founder Kaizad Hansotia, an Indian raised in Hong Kong and London, met a Portuguese man rolling and selling cigars in Goa, India. Hansotia bought the man’s entire stock and brand name, Gurkha, on the spot for $149. Hansotia then teamed up with cigarmaker Charlie Toraño and endeavored to distinguish his brand through fine, artful packaging that matched the quality of the cigars themselves. Today, Gurkha cigars are made in the Dominican Republic with the finest tobacco and other ingredients available.
Hansotia and his blossoming company set out to produce a rare, luxurious cigar that those with exquisite tastes would want to enjoy on a weekend night or special occasion. The Grand Reserve cigar was born and sold for $120 each when first introduced, and Former President Bill Clinton is said to have been a huge fan. Then, in 1996, Hansotia took this concept to an even more extravagant level with tobacco aged 18 years infused with an entire bottle of Louis XIII de Rémy Martin per box of 20 cigars. Behold the His Majesty’s Reserve, the finest, most expensive cigar in the world. Of course, there is a Gurkha for nearly anyone to enjoy, and the company produces many varieties, including the recently released and award-winning 125th Anniversary cigar.
The word “Gurkha” originally refers to the indigenous people of Nepal and is derived from the Hindu warrior-saint Guru Gorakhnath. During the British rule of Nepal in the late 1800s, the British developed a fondness for legendary Gurkha Nepalese fighters. The soldiers were making their own cigars with local tobacco, and the Gurkha name was bestowed upon the cigars. Today, Gurkha cigars have emerged as one of the world’s leading luxury brands of cigars.
So when you’re searching for cigars online, you want a wide selection from which to choose. At Windy City Cigars, we strive to bring you the best in cigar selection.
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