Vino H. Upmann Pinot Corona 20
The H. Upmann cigar brand has been producing premium cigars for their customers for such a long time. Established in the 1840s, the cigar brand has been supplying its loyal customer with top-quality premium cigars that provide an unmatched smoking experience. All their cigars are top tier; their scent and taste are breathtaking.
This brand has produced quite a long line of cigars, one of them being the Pinot Corona 20. These cigars are known for their appealing appearance and their ability to enlighten the mood. These cigars are too good such that you can smoke them even when you are feeling low. They tend to lighten a person’s spirit for the better.
The Vino H. Upmann Pinot Corona cigars are hand-rolled. The experts behind this work of art have received high-end training and amassed considerable experience. This means that they know the dos and don’ts of the industry, which is evident in the work of art that they produce.
These cigars are made using top-quality tobacco. After cultivation, the best tobacco produce is sorted out, dried, and aged until it matures. Upon maturation, these cigars are later wrapped sing high-quality Cameroonian wrappers. Additionally, the cigars are reinforced with binder and filler tobacco, adding to the overall quality and appearance of the cigar. Therefore, once you light this cigar up, you will enjoy a top-tier smoking experience without any obstruction whatsoever. The aeration is also top tier.
Another thing that makes this cigar a perfect option for you is its choice of flavors. Have you ever taken a puff of a cigar, and your taste buds were left yearning for more? This is the case with these cigars, primarily due to the woody and earthy flavors.
- Country of Origin: Cuba
- Wrapper: Cameroon
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaragua, Peru, Dominican Republic
- Length: 5.1 inches
- Ring gauge: 42