Wessex Dark Cavendish pipe tobacco is a wonderful combination of Louisiana Perique and Cavendish tobaccos.
The Wessex Dark Cavendish pipe tobacco is an exquisite combination of toasted Cavendish and Louisiana Perique tobaccos. The rich blend of authentic tobaccos gives it an affluent flavor. This pipe tobacco is a relatively sweeter and aromatic blend.
- Unique Blend
Wessex dark Cavendish pipe tobacco gets its rich and uniquely subtle flavor from this unique and exciting combination of selectively picked tobacco. It is coarse-cut pipe tobacco with an aromatic and gratifying room note. It is made with high-quality ingredients to provide a very creamy yet smooth aftertaste as well.
- Mild Strength
This pipe tobacco is better known for its excellent strength and nicotine content, which is minimum. The taste is considered delicate, and the aroma is quite subtle and is fit to one’s liking. The toasted black Cavendish gives it a traditional and stimulating strength.
- Satisfying Aroma
This pipe tobacco has a very authentic and rich aroma, which is not too overwhelming and is enjoyed by everyone. It gets such an affluent and smooth smell due to the richness of Cavendish!
Wessex is one of the leading brands, and this pipe tobacco is indeed perfect for everyday smoke! It is not suggested for beginners due to its dark and traditional taste, but it is trendy amongst regular smokers.