The reputation of Cuban cigars as the greatest of the best, exquisite in flavor, fragrance, and structure, is well-known among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. But why are these cigars prohibited in so many nations, including America? This article will explain Cuban cigars’ fascinating history, why they are outlawed, and the current legal options available to cigar enthusiasts.
The Rise of Cuban Cigars
Cuban cigars have a long history and have played a significant role in the nation’s culture and economics since Christopher Columbus first set foot on the island in 1492. Cuban cigars have long been regarded as the world’s most outstanding and desirable. Their lengthy, famous history, distinct flavor, and high quality significantly contribute to their fame.
The first Cuban cigars appeared around the middle of the 15th century (1542) when Cuba was still a Spanish province. The first people to develop and sell cigars from Cuba were the Spanish, who swiftly established a reputation for making some of the finest cigars in the world. The demand for Cuban cigars increased rapidly, and the products were soon shipped to Europe and the US.
As the quality of Cuban cigars increased during the 15th century, their appeal also grew. In a few centuries, Cuban cigars had become a status symbol for the powerful and rich, with frequent sightings of businessmen and celebrities puffing away on them. Cuban cigars were heavily shipped to the United States and Europe in the middle of the 1800s, and the business grew in stature and importance. Early in the 20th century, Cuba manufactured over 100 million cigars annually, earning the title of “Cigar Capital of the World.”
Why Cuban Cigars Were Banned
The cigar era came to an end in 1959 with the Cuban Revolution. The cigar business started to suffer as the new administration put limits on their manufacture and sale. The industry was almost destroyed when the US put an embargo on Cuban commodities, including cigars, in 1962. Before formally enforcing the prohibition, he is known to have brought many Cuban cigars.
The embargo has severely impacted the Cuban cigar business. Lacking access to the American market, Cuban cigar manufacturers were forced to rely on sales from other nations. Due to their lack of access to resources and technology, they found competing with other cigar makers worldwide challenging.
The embargo has made it challenging for Cuban cigar manufacturers to obtain the supplies they require to produce their cigars. Without access to the American market, Cuban cigar producers were forced to import tobacco, wrappers, and other supplies from other nations, sometimes at a significant premium over what they would have paid otherwise. Cigar enthusiasts had to look for cigars from other nations since they couldn’t get Cuban cigars. Due to its great demand and higher price than other cigars, Cuban cigars have seen a price increase.
The US has progressively relaxed the embargo in recent years, enabling more trade between the two nations. The trade embargo that the United States has enforced on Cuba since 1962 was finally abolished in October 2016. The purpose of the almost 50-year-old embargo was to punish the oppressive regime of Cuba and stop American travelers from traveling to the island country.
Though the direct import of Cuban cigars is still illegal, American citizens can visit Cuba and hand-carry an unlimited amount of Cuban cigars. However, those are meant for personal use, and the sale of Cuban cigars within the US is still illegal.
Cuban Cigars Alternatives
Oliva Serie V Lancero
The Oliva Serie V Lancero distinguishes apart from the competition in the cigar world. This Nicaraguan puro has a distinctive flavor profile and rich smoke since it is manufactured entirely with Nicaraguan tobacco for the filler, binder, and wrapper. The Oliva Serie V Lancero has a powerful, earthy scent at the beginning and is a full-bodied, full-flavored smoke.
The Oliva Serie V Lancero’s taste combination is one of its distinctive features. There are traces of nutmeg, pistachios, and chocolate-covered almonds, along with odors of cedar and leather. Any cigar lover will appreciate the incredible taste harmony. For those seeking rich and delicious smoke, the cigar is ideal. The cigar has a beautiful burn and an excellent draw, which enhances its allure. Long and silky with a bit of spice, the aftertaste is pleasant.
La Aroma De Cuba Double Corona
The La Aroma de Cuba Double Corona is a flavorful cigar that offers rich, full-bodied smoke. This cigar has a double corona of considerable size, measuring 7 1/2 inches long and 54 rings in diameter. The wrapper of the Double Corona is made of smooth, dark Nicaraguan tobacco.
Honduran tobacco is used for both the binder and the filler, which is a fine blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobacco. This medium-strength cigar’s deep and rich flavor profile is likely to tempt the palate. The smoke has an exquisite natural tobacco taste and is creamy and smooth. Expect to detect undertones of leather, earthy, and cedar flavors and a little sweetness that stays on the palate.
Because of the sturdy structure, there is a good, level burn and a long, even ash. The La Aroma de Cuba Double Corona is a fantastic option for those who want rich, well-constructed smoke and enjoy full-bodied cigars. This cigar is ideal for those who wish to unwind and indulge in rich smoke without being intimidated by its power.
There has been discussion about Cuban cigars being prohibited in the US for a long time. The embargo on Cuba has been in effect for more than 60 years, and it seems to remain in force for the foreseeable future. Although there is a booming illicit market for Cuban cigars, many people are unwilling to face the legal repercussions of doing so. We hope this article helped you learn why they were illegal.