Ascot Palma Maduro Cigars are made with tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Honduras. WM. Ascot Palma Maduro Cigars, a distinctive combination of classic artistry and contemporary innovation, provides a rich smoking experience.
These medium-bodied cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic using only the best tobacco. They are covered in a dark, oily Maduro wrapper that produces a smooth, creamy smoke with overtones of spice and cedar.
A premium Dominican binder and a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper create the ultra-mild WM. Ascot Palma Maduro cigar. The filler tobaccos, which produce the rich flavor of Maduro, are from the Dominican Republic and Honduras.
They are incredibly smooth and enjoyable, with hints of sweetness, oak, and spice. Both novices and experts may enjoy them because of their gentle body, which has neither a bitter flavor nor sharp overtones.
These premium-tasting cigars are wrapped in a rich, black Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper that feels somewhat greasy. When smoking a WM. Ascot Palma Maduro cigar, users may fully savor the cigar’s flavors and smells while sipping whiskey or cognac.
The medium-bodied cigarette is ideal for individuals seeking a tasty but calming experience. The cigar exposes wood, leather, and sweet tobacco notes with each puff.
These flavorful Maduro cigars made in the US are the ideal fusion of smoothness, rich taste, and a medium body. These cigars appeal to all sorts of smokers due to the tobacco’s mild sweetness and hints of wood and spice. They are ideal for novices due to their gentle body, but seasoned consumers will continue to enjoy them because of their rich tastes.
The WM. Ascot Palma Maduro cigars are a fantastic way to indulge in a luxurious smoking experience. These cigars satisfy your cravings whether you’re searching for a mild cigar to enjoy with a drink or a savory cigar to match with a meal. At the discounted price of just $43.25, you can buy a box of 25. Grab yours now!
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