Cuban seeded origin sticks are made with Nicaraguan long filler tobacco that is then aged or “cured” for 3-6 months. Acid brand cigars are medium-bodied with the Cameroon, Sumatra, Maduro, and Connecticut varieties depending on which blend or type of Acid cigars flavors you select.
Yes, these are “infused” cigars but they are made with very high-quality materials, with over 150 natural oils, botanicals, and oils that have been carefully selected to flavor an individual cigar. We carry the full line of Acid Cigars on sale (larger and smaller versions) including the delightful Acid Krush cigars line which comes in airtight tins of cigar goodness.
Our Acid Cigars Flavors:
ACID Blue Kuba Kuba Cigars
ACID G Fresh Kuba Kuba 5
ACID Windy City Box of 24
Krush Gold Sumatra
Extraordinary Larry Cigars
ACID Collectors Tin of 24
ACID Kuba Deluxe Turbo Cigars
ACID Kuba Madura Blue
ACID C-Notes Cigars
ACID Blondie Belicoso
ACID Roam Cigars
ACID Krush Red Cameroon
ACID Cold Infusion Tea Cigars
ACID G Fresh Blondie 5 ACID Wafe Cigars
ACID One Cigars
ACID Nasty Maduro
ACID Liquid Cigars
ACID Krush Classic Maduro Morado Cigar
ACID Krush Blue Connecticut Cigars
ACID Earthiness Cigars
Acid cigar boxes all feature wonderful artwork and make a great gift for that special cigar smoker in your life. We know a great deal about Acid brand cigars (we have them in stock) and if you have questions about any of the Acid Cigars on sale please call our toll-free number.
Check This article For Acid Cigars Online
Acid cigars are a unique and innovative brand of cigars that have gained immense popularity among cigar enthusiasts over the years. Produced by Drew Estate, a renowned name in the world of premium cigars, Acid cigars are known for their bold and exotic flavors, unmatched aroma, and exceptional quality.
Acid cigars were first introduced in 1999, and since then, they have taken the cigar industry by storm. The cigars are made using a unique process that involves infusing high-quality tobacco leaves with a secret blend of herbs, botanicals, and essential oils. This infusion process gives Acid cigars their distinct taste and aroma that sets them apart from traditional cigars.
One of the most notable features of Acid cigars is their wide range of flavors. From sweet and fruity to spicy and robust, there is a flavor to suit every palate. Some of the most popular Acid cigar flavors include Kuba Kuba, Blondie, Cold Infusion, and Toast. Each flavor has its unique taste and aroma, making Acid cigars a versatile option for smokers who enjoy trying new things.
Another unique aspect of Acid cigars is their distinctive packaging. Each cigar comes in a brightly colored, eye-catching wrapper that reflects the cigar's flavor and personality. The packaging adds to the overall experience of smoking an Acid cigar, making it a visually stimulating and enjoyable experience.
In addition to their exceptional taste and quality, Acid cigars are also known for their smooth and consistent burn. The cigars are made using high-quality tobacco leaves that are aged and fermented to perfection. This process ensures that each cigar has a consistent burn, allowing smokers to enjoy a long and satisfying smoking experience.
Overall, Acid cigars are a unique and innovative option for smokers who are looking for something different from traditional cigars. With their bold flavors, exceptional quality, and distinctive packaging, Acid cigars are an excellent choice for cigar enthusiasts who want to explore new flavors and experiences. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or a beginner, Acid cigars are sure to provide a memorable and enjoyable smoking experience.