Types of cigar cutters

Buying the right cigars can be an intimidating task and also buying cigar accessories is even more daunting. Cigar shops these days store a variety of cigars like Cheyenne Filtered Cigars and Golden Harvest Filtered Cigars and many more. They also sell accessories like cigar cutters. In this article, we will gain some more insight on various cigar cuts […]

Bourbon & Cigars: Tips For Pairing Two Luxurious Worlds

Bourbon & Cigars: Tips For Pairing Two Luxurious Worlds

Since 2002, Windy City Cigars has been offering the convenience of buying cigars online directly through our site. We’ve now become the biggest online cigar retailer, and we’re very proud of that. You’ll find the best prices, the best selection, and always-in-stock favorites and accessories on our site. Many customers come into our store or […]

Differences between Hand Made and Machine Made Cigars

Handmade cigar

A decade ago, Smoking?handmade cigars during some special occasion was considered exclusive. Smokers belonging to upper class could afford smoking hand rolled cigars. Handmade cigars were generally expensive in nature due to which smokers faced a problem of availability. Local tobacconists hesitated while investing in hand rolled cigars. Hand rolled cigars are expensive because they […]

Storing Your Cigars in the Right Manner


Smoking cigars is a complex and thankless task. Cigar smokers mostly prefer smoking on some special event as that would add to their joy and pleasure. For beginners, company provide cigar sampler which includes different types of cigars manufactured by different companies of different flavors. This helps a smoker try different varieties of cigars with different […]

The Advantages of Buying Cigars from an Online Cigar Store

Over a number of years with the development in technology, we have witnessed a revolution in the market. Modern technology has blessed us with Internet which has helped us getting most of our work done at just one click. Similarly, companies manufacturing cigars have their online stores to provide various benefits to their valued customers.  […]

Which are the Best Cigar Tobacco Growing Countries

Not all regions are suitable for growing tobacco. Physical and chemical properties of the soil are to be studied very carefully. The main climatic factors that influence the growth of cigar tobacco are Rainfall, humidity, temperature, wind and sunlight. There are four major countries which facilitate the growth of loose tobacco namely Costa Rica, Mexico, […]

Windy City Cigars