Many people like smoking cigars, but for others, it might make them feel lightheaded. Dizziness is a typical side effect of cigar smoking and can be brought on by various things. The amount of nicotine in the cigar, its size, and the method of inhalation used to smoke it are a few. Let’s examine more closely why smoking cigars might cause lightheadedness.
Nicotine Content
The main factor contributing to lightheadedness is nicotine in cigars. Nicotine is a stimulant that can result in headaches, nausea, dizziness, and other uncomfortable feelings. The amount of nicotine in a cigar might change based on the type of tobacco used in its production. Cigars often have more nicotine than cigarettes.
According to some reports, some cigars contain up to five times the nicotine of a cigarette. While this does not imply that smoking cigars will make you lightheaded, the additional nicotine might undoubtedly add to the sensation.
Your level of dizziness may depend on how you smoke the cigar. The quantity of nicotine breathed can be decreased by taking long, leisurely pulls on the cigar. Reduce the time you breathe the smoke if you notice that you feel lightheaded after smoking a cigar. Additionally, waiting between drags is crucial to let the nicotine wear off, and oxygen reach your brain.
Size of the Cigar
The cigar size may also be a factor in the queasy sensation. Although cigars come in various sizes, the big ring gauge cigars are more likely to make you feel lightheaded. Since these cigars are thicker, some may find the additional smoke too much.
It will take a bit longer for the nicotine to be processed by your body while smoking a larger cigar since the nicotine concentration is higher. Because of this, your body will take longer to digest nicotine and other chemicals, which may cause you to feel lightheaded.
Finally, the experience of vertigo associated with cigar smoking may also be influenced by altitude. Smoking a cigar at higher elevations might result in a drop in oxygen levels, making you feel lightheaded. Additionally, the intensity of the smoke itself may be greater at higher elevations, which may also exacerbate the dizziness.
Does It Also Make You Nauseous?
When you smoke a cigar, you breathe in a lot of smoke containing various poisons and compounds. Your esophagus, throat, and lungs may get irritated if you breathe in these poisons. The itchiness may make you feel queasy.
When smoking cigars, you can experience nausea for several reasons. The smoke from a cigar may become oppressive and sickening if you are smoking one in a cramped area. Smoking in a place with poor ventilation increases the risk of smoke inhalation and motion sickness.
Although it might be fun to smoke cigars, it’s crucial to be aware of the possible negative effects and take safety measures to ensure the experience is safe.