There are numerous Cigar Buffs out there. Many of them are on a lookout for?Discount Cigar?and?Cheapest Cigar from online cigar traders. Every cigar producer have their own method of producing cigars. Manufacturers of premium cigars, particularly the handmade makers think that making cigars is an art. These handmade cigar producers are directly involved in the […]
Category Archives: Cigar
Many people are curious to know what Filtered and Little Cigars are. Whether they are the same or there is a difference between them? Let us throw some light on this. First of all, one think is a fact that Filtered Cigars and Little Cigars are as different as chalk and cheese. A little cigar is […]
By this time, most of the cigar aficionados know where they should be storing their much loved cigars like the?joya de nicaragua cigars:?in a Coolidor or Humidor. However, you should also know where not to store them. Let us look more into this. Cigar smoking can be a fairly pricey hobby. Therefore, you wouldn?t want […]
Are you smoking?Ashton Cigars?or other cigars for the very first time? You can get good cigar deals from various cigar shops. Also you could try a sample of say,?Rocky Patel Cigars to begin with before purchasing a whole pack. But before that, you should also be aware of cutting a cigar the right way. Here […]
A cigar is a bundle that is rolled tightly with fermented and dried tobacco that is lit in order to smoke it. Cigars are comparable to filterless cigarettes in terms of design but then much larger in diameter and length. Cigars have to be smoked by igniting one end of the cigar and drawing the […]
You may have tried one of your preferred cigars such as the?nub cigars?and some other cigars by now and pondering what the dissimilarity is among the various kinds of cigar wrappers. Even, cigar novices often are curious about wrappers. You will notice that that every cigar brand be it?la finca cigars? or any other brand […]
There are few pleasures in life that can beat fine cigar smoking. From time immemorial, cigar lovers have t pleasure from the fine taste and fine aroma of smoking a top quality handmade cigar. The proper technique of smoking fine cigars is to make the most of the pleasure and completely recognize the value of […]
Cigar smoking and collecting is a hobby for a lot of people with most of them keen to share knowledge on the best cigar brands, how to store them, the best cigar stores, Cigarillos Online and other things. Cigar fans often come together to discuss about cigars and exchange notes. Cigar Aficionados at times call […]
President John F Kennedy directed an assistant, Pierre Salinger to obtain the maximum number of Cuban cigars he could buy on 6th February, 1962 only hours before he sanctioned the U.S. trade embargo which consequently made Cuban cigars illegal. Afterwards, just seconds later he was communicated that 1200 Petit Upmanns were purchased for him, he signed […]
In these modern times, cigars have turned out to be a style statement for many personalities and household names. And as time passes, they are becoming all the more popular gradually and progressively as more and more individuals have switched on to smoking cigars. There are probably two reasons for this: one is, people like […]
Have you ever wondered why a particular cigar has a different taste than explained in various reviews? This is a possibility that different smokers find the taste of the same cigar different and also the taste of the same cigar tastes dissimilar to the same cigar smoker. Then again, a lot of factors can influence […]
Cigars can be acquired from major cigar stores and sometimes these stores offerCigars for Sale. Smoking cigars is enjoyable, but at the start, can be quite perplexing. Majority of people can smoke cigarettes without any instructions, but smoking cigars is totally different. The experience of cigar smoking depends on the flavor of the cigar and […]
The laws concerning smoking and tobacco are pretty different from the ones in the USA. Let us compare the Canadian and American cigar stores. Tobacco duties and taxes significantly increased: As Canada has different tax rates in every province, the US has other qualities in every state. In addition to the provincial taxes, Canada also imposes […]
Cigars are no longer thought to be a thing for the elite nowadays. Smoking cigars is becoming widespread and has become an excellent pursuit for many people, and others, it is added to their stylishness. In the initial days, when cigar smoking was in vogue, during that time, Cigars were meant to be for the […]
Many new cigar smokers ponder over some questions on cigars. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions by cigar newbies who have visited The Cigar Shop: 1. Because of the humidity during summers, cigars stored in the humidor have become over humidified. So how can one save cigars that have become soggy This problem […]
Flavored Cigars have existed for a long period of time now, however not the superior handmade type that have become popular over the past few years. A lot of flavors like Irish Cream, Rum, Peach, Amaretto and a lot of other flavors are in the present day being filled in premium cigars in order to yield […]
Are you confused as to what gift to give to your best friend or acquaintance? Think of a gift that the receiver will appreciate for a long time. One such gift that comes to my mind is cigars. And not only cigars you could gift cigar accessories which actually are cool gifts to give. Now […]
Before buying any cigars, be it Punch Cigars or any other cigar, it is advisable to gain some insight on cigars. Today, we will understand the differences between Cigarettes and Little Cigars(a.k.a cigarillos). Many people who do not smoke often think that little cigars and cigarettes are the same. But this is not so. A small […]
Whatever type of cigar you like, be it Filtered Cigars, little cigars or any other, have you ever wondered what makes a Cigar good? Is flavor of the cigar the core factor in ascertaining the quality of a cigar and determining the goodness of a cigar? There are other features, for instance a cigar’s structure, nicotine […]
Valley cigar stores, that are by now suffering from an unstable economy are getting ready for a big increase in federal tax next month which they dread will further reduce sales. With starting from April 1, taxes levied on large cigars will be 40 cents on each cigar. That is to say, the Congress had […]