Category Archives: Cigar

Cigar Buying Guide


In contrast to cigarettes which are used for daily smoking, cigars are normally lit up by people on special occasions. Cigars are not cheap, a single piece of quality cigar normally costs than a whole packet of cigarettes. You can get Best Cigar Deals online or you can go to your local Brick and Mortar store or you […]

Some Cigar Q&As for Novice and Experienced Smokers


Cigar smoking has grown by leaps and bounds. There are numerous cigar retailers out there that sell Cheapest Cigar in order to attract smokers. These stores also offer Cigar Deals sometimes which is good if you are a beginner. Speaking about cigars, there are numerous things that a smoker should have knowledge of so as to get maximum pleasure […]

Hand carved cigar store Indians and other wooden figures

cigar indian

Frank Gallagher, carrying on his ancestor’s work of making Cigar Store Indians, is a highly skilled artisan due to his own ability and efforts. The Gallaghers carry on the art of carving by hand as their ancestors would like it. The extensive variety of Cigar Store Indians, which can be sculpted, is completely amazing. Traditional […]

Windy City Cigars