Many new cigar smokers ponder over some questions on cigars. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions by cigar newbies who have visited The Cigar Shop: 1. Because of the humidity during summers, cigars stored in the humidor have become over humidified. So how can one save cigars that have become soggy This problem […]
Category Archives: Cigar
Flavored Cigars have existed for a long period of time now, however not the superior handmade type that have become popular over the past few years. A lot of flavors like Irish Cream, Rum, Peach, Amaretto and a lot of other flavors are in the present day being filled in premium cigars in order to yield […]
Are you confused as to what gift to give to your best friend or acquaintance? Think of a gift that the receiver will appreciate for a long time. One such gift that comes to my mind is cigars. And not only cigars you could gift cigar accessories which actually are cool gifts to give. Now […]
Before buying any cigars, be it Punch Cigars or any other cigar, it is advisable to gain some insight on cigars. Today, we will understand the differences between Cigarettes and Little Cigars(a.k.a cigarillos). Many people who do not smoke often think that little cigars and cigarettes are the same. But this is not so. A small […]
Whatever type of cigar you like, be it Filtered Cigars, little cigars or any other, have you ever wondered what makes a Cigar good? Is flavor of the cigar the core factor in ascertaining the quality of a cigar and determining the goodness of a cigar? There are other features, for instance a cigar’s structure, nicotine […]
Valley cigar stores, that are by now suffering from an unstable economy are getting ready for a big increase in federal tax next month which they dread will further reduce sales. With starting from April 1, taxes levied on large cigars will be 40 cents on each cigar. That is to say, the Congress had […]
Cigars have not only have a repute of being an in thing but likewise something that many folks enjoy. Not surprisingly, there are a lot of types of cigars that can be obtained from different tobacconists. However, there are the premium cigars for instance the Gurkha Cigars. Premium cigars have a totally different allure of […]
Most people think of cigars as a thing that is sometimes enjoyed or on some particular occasions only. Very often, there are times when individuals smoke cigars when they are a part of a group that is enjoying specific cigars such as Punch Cigars. On such an occasion, you like to be the odd one […]
Whether you are thinking of celebrating a special occasion, or want to present a classy gift to someone or simply want to enjoy smoking a cigar, there is no disagreeing the fact that the internet is one of the best places to purchase cigars. The major advantages of? Buying Cigars Online or from a tobacconist […]
The number of cigar fans have been increasing gradually with cigars becoming stylish once again. Cigars are manufactured in several parts of the world, but Havana cigars or Cuban cigars are the most wanted and most sold in all over the world. Hand rolled cigars are the best ones where tobacco leaves are meticulously selected, […]
Since the demand for cigars is increasing day by day in various places in the world, this has to lead to the rise of many online traders of cigars who have a presence in the online world so that it becomes easy for smokers to purchase cigars. However there are certain things to weigh up […]
If you are not much accustomed to cigars, so let us gain some wisdom on cigars. Before Buying Cigars Online or from your local cigar retailer, you should ask a lot of questions to ensure that you are investing your money on the right cigars. Also, after purchasing cigars, storing them is also crucial. For this follow […]
In contrast to cigarettes which are used for daily smoking, cigars are normally lit up by people on special occasions. Cigars are not cheap, a single piece of quality cigar normally costs than a whole packet of cigarettes. You can get Best Cigar Deals online or you can go to your local Brick and Mortar store or you […]
Managing a business could be a challenge on a day to day basis. Then again, combine functioning a business with a top-quality specialty product like cigars and you could certainly have a difficult situation to face. Running a cigar business requires you to deal with persons who have enough money to pay $10 or even […]