10 Health Benefits about Cannabis

crystalweed cannabis

10 Health Benefits about Cannabis What we all know as “cannabis” actually refers to a group of three plants with psychoactive properties, known as Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. The flowers of these plants are harvested and dried to obtain one of the most common drugs in the world. To some, it is known as weed. […]

The Controversial Candy Cigarettes

candy cigaretes

Of all the crazy things that mankind has invented, this one literally takes the cake. However, there are indeed some existing justifications for the invention of the catchy and controversial candy cigarettes. We will be laying down the entire controversy as well as the justifications for this invention in this post as we examine the […]

The Best Ways to Get Rid of Cigar Smoke Out of Your House

how to get rid of cigarette smell

Second-hand cigar smoke is very unhealthy because it contains several harmful chemicals. These include gases such as tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) in high concentrations, carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons, ammonia, cadmium, tar, and other toxins in high concentrations as well. Exposure to or breathing in these harmful chemicals for long periods can severely irritate your nose and throat. These […]

10 Benefits of Burning Incense

10 Benefits of Burning Incense

Incense is an aromatic biotic material that releases fragrant smoke when burnt. The term “incense” is used for either the material or the aroma. Some of the popular uses of incense include aesthetics, religious worship, aromatherapy, meditation, and ceremonies. Incense may also be used as a simple deodorant or insect repellent. Incense is composed of aromatic plant materials, often combined with essential […]

How COVID-19 Affected the Tobacco Industry


How COVID-19 Affected the Tobacco Industry Brief Background of the Association between COVID-19 and the Tobacco Industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has had specific impacts on the tobacco industry due to the nature of the disease. COVID is a viral infection of the lungs that has proven possible high levels of severity, and in extreme cases, […]

CROMAGNON FEMUR: The Biggest Cigar in the World?

CROMAGNON FEMUR: The Biggest Cigar in the World?

Realistically, the biggest cigar in the world is lying in the Pipe and Tobacco Museum in the city of Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, with a length of 6.43 meters, a diameter of 47 centimeters, and a weight of 400 kilograms. Nevertheless, the CroMagnon Femur remains a strong contender in this category as it is one extremely large […]

The Top Three Electric Rolling Machines

Powermatic III

Due to the limitation and taxes imposed on cigarettes these past few years, cigarette smokers have been forced to use alternative ways to get affordable quality cigarettes. One of these alternative ways is the electric cigarette rolling machine. The electric rolling machine is easy to use and allows you to make lots of cigarettes with […]

Artists Who Love Gas Station Cigars

Artists Who Love Gas Station Cigars

The music industry and gas station cigars have a long-established relationship with each other. Many times, singers, rappers, and many other kinds of artists in the industry have been spotted purchasing and lighting up convenience store cigars. Research analyses have even revealed that the example set by celebrities and artists in the music industry is […]

Impressive Ways to Roll a Joint

Impressive Ways to Roll a Joint

If you are a member of the 420 community in the 21st century, then you know that there is so much more to smoking than just your regular rolled joints. There now exist so many creative and impressive ways to roll a joint. Some of them are even downright crazy! Some of them are pure […]

Windy City Cigars